We can lighten or remove the things weighing us down if we are willing to be honest with ourselves, face the tough stuff, gain acceptance, & make some changes to how we live/behave/think. This isn't always easy but it's important. Feel, Deal, Heal.
We do have to ‘make time for our wellness or make time for our illness’. A lifestyle that nourishes us is vital. In Costa Rica they say Pure Vida meaning Pure Life. It means to live in a way that is simple and happy. I can’t think of a better motto for living.
I am more interested in what’s led you to behave in a certain way than how you behaved. I won’t judge you but will reflect & challenge when needed. You can tell me anything, there’s probably very little I haven’t already heard and helped people with.
It’s important to remember most of us were not taught how to operate as adults, set boundaries, manage a house/family/finances, have healthy relationships & self-esteem. We are just stumbling around doing our best with the cards we’ve been dealt.
We expect too much from ourselves. None of us can be perfect all the time & expecting ourselves & others to be will only lead to frustration & disappointment. Ambition, standards & challenge are great; unattainable perfectionism I’m not a fan of.
A lot of physical symptoms can be related to stress but fatigue, headaches, recurring viruses and many more symptoms can also be medical issues you can get treatment for. It's important you engage with your GP as well as coaching.
A blend of therapy & coaching. We look at what from your past is impacting your present & work to resolve it. We look at your present, what your lifestyle is & who you are giving energy & attention too & move into any changes you want. We look at any goals you want to achieve & work towards those. Whatever stage of this you are at is fine, it's all about what you need.
In the first session we will explore what's bringing you to therapeutic lifestyle coaching & I will explain some concepts & principles. Using things mentioned on this page & more we will come up with a plan that suits you & will get you to where you want to be. We will monitor & adapt along the way as needed always focussing on you getting what you need. We can also do some nice meditation/relaxation.
Created by Andrew T Austin, IEMT is a technique that involves moving your eyes for a few minutes whilst thinking of difficult memories or feelings. It can help reduce or remove the impact of past events & resulting beliefs or feelings, bringing rapid change. You don't even have to tell me about the memories if you don't want to. This technique can also help with phobias & stress management. You can look it up to find out more.
NLP explores how what we have experienced in life structures itself inside us. This can be helpful stuff or unhelpful stuff. We all have internal maps for navigating our lives that are full of our beliefs & experiences that don't match anyone else's map. I can help you understand how you operate, change what you want to change so you can get out of your own way & move forward to a better way of living.
NLP has some wonderful tools like Metaprograms which help us understand ourselves & others, Logical Levels of Change, storytelling & timeline techniques as well as techniques to help with phobias. It also has something called Parts work which we will most likely be doing. Ever said, 'part of me wants to do this or feels this'? That's where we start with Parts work, and it is wonderful.
Created by Andrew T Austin, MOM is a powerful way of accessing how your unconscious mind is making sense of your feelings & situation. Ever said something like 'I feel like I'm banging my head against a wall'? We will explore the wall, ways round it & what is making you just stand there banging your head against it & change that. This is truly powerful work to do.
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